Transportation Tracking |
October 15th, 2019 |
cars, kids, transit |
First, here are some numbers for the most recent thirty days. They're not completely representative, but it's as typical as any thirty-day period is likely to get. The data comes from going through my location history, collected automatically by my phone, supplemented by memory when I noticed it had missed something:
Number of (one-way) trips: 101
Trips by purpose:
- Commute: 40 (40%; subway to and from work)
- Errand: 25 (25%; groceries, school drop-off)
- Social: 23 (23%; visiting my dad)
- Leisure: 13 (13%; going for a walk or to the park)
Trips by mode:
- Transit: 49 (49%; bus and subway)
- Foot: 39 (39%; walking, with some scooter and trike)
- Car: 13 (10%; rides, renting, taxis)
Days with any:
- Foot: 24 (80%)
- Transit: 21 (70%)
- Car: 9 (30%)
Our family is two adults and two children, 3y and 5y. We live in Somerville, one of the most dense cities in the country (#16, though less so if you look at population-weighted density), and about a ten minute walk from a subway station. Julia works from home, I work downtown. We don't have a car, but we do have housemates and two of them have cars.
On a typical day it's just walking and public transit. I'll walk (run) to the subway, ride to work, and reverse in the evening. When the kids go out, generally to the park, it will be stroller, wagon, or on foot. Most places we want to go are pretty practical traveling this way. If it's cold or rainy we'll make sure the kids are dressed appropriately, and the stroller has a rain cover.
For grocery shopping we do a mix of things. For perishables I'll generally stop at the supermarket on my way home from work. For non-perishables I'll do a big shop at Market Basket or Wegmans about once a quarter when I happen to have access to a car. (We have a large chest freezer, and plenty of basement space.) We also occasionally order groceries delivered when that seems like a better use of time. And occasionally we'll walk over with the wagon as a fun trip:
For home improvement I generally get materials delivered. It's not that expensive, and it's a lot less work. Other times I've taken the bus to Home Depot, and rented one of their vans or trucks to move things. I often need things that would be too big for a car, anyway.
On Tuesdays we take the bus to my dad's house in the next town over to have dinner with the extended family. This is usually fine, though traveling at rush hour there's a lot of traffic. While we could take the bus back, my dad usually gives us a ride: this is nice of him and lets us stay a bit later in the evening.
For most of my contra dance gigs I need to rent or borrow a car. For some evening gigs it works for me to use a housemate's car (I put gas in it and reimburse them for depreciation), but most of the time I rent. For tours renting makes a lot of sense even if you do own a car: on the most recent one we put ~2,650 miles on the rental car for $231, which is 8.7¢/mile.
We've used taxis/ridesharing some, but in addition to being pricy it's annoying to deal with carseats. Once both kids are onto boosters (they make inflatable ones) it will be more reasonable. When traveling for work we'll generally take one to/from the airport.
Every so often we do have access to a car: someone is flying out of Logan and finds it convenient to leave their car in our driveway while they travel, I'm renting a car for a Saturday night gig but the car rental place is closed on Sunday so we have it until Monday, etc. We'll often take advantage of those situations to do things that are a good fit for a car, like big grocery shops (see above) or driving to an interesting place that isn't very accessible by public transit.
Growing up my family had two cars, and since both parents needed a car to commute there wasn't anything else that would have made sense. With us it's more of a choice: I think most families in our situation would decide to get a car, but each time I've priced one out it would be substantially more expensive. I do miss the freedom that comes from the low marginal cost of already having decided to have a car, and have felt the same feeling at times when I haven't had an unlimited public transit pass. But overall I'm pretty happy with what we're doing and like that we end up walking a lot.
Navigating New York City with a stroller (admittedly as a tourist) was much more of a pain than navigating Philadelphia. Philly's elevators are less broken, and the staircases are shorter and wider when you do have to carry a stroller up them. And our everything (sidewalk, subway cars, etc) is less crowded so you don't feel like you should be arrested for taking up two people's worth of space with your two people.
I've done the same math and would not buy a car, bat as I own a car and it is in the cheap years (loan paid, few repairs) I'll keep it for the freedom. However even now it is more expensive to own a car than use bus and taxis.
And you're demonstrating to your kids that it's possible to live a full life without owning a car, which is a really great thing for them to know.
Denise it turns out that biking hurts my knees if I do it much, so I haven't done a lot in ~10y.
How do you feel about cycling with kids? E.g. with a cargo bike or bike trailer. Might be able to give you extra freedom
Always happy to! Worst case it just sits in our driveway the whole time you're gone.
We're a 10min walk from Davis, about an hour from the airport by public transit and about 20min (at no traffic times of day) by taxi/carshare
Do you like having the extra car when people fly from Logan? I have a trip coming up.
Ubering with them to and from soccer practice would be cheaper than buying a car.
The problem seems to arise when the kids need to go places other than school, but are too young to travel independently. Then one may become the "soccer parent" and feel the desperate need for a car. I started walking or biking to school when I was 11, including sports and theater after school, and from then on my parents almost never needed to take me anywhere.
Gianna yeah, part of why public transit makes sense for my commute is that it's faster than driving would be
We've done similar math and come to similar conclusions, but for sticking with one car instead of adding a second. We use a combo of family biking, walking, public transit, and uber/Lyft for whoever doesn't have the car for work on a given day. Ride services only became feasible once our oldest could use a booster. I imagine it'll be even easier when they both can, and when we no longer have two geographically separated children, in a couple years. We could get by without a car. But we drive long distances to visit family or friends many weekends, and we also find that for our particular commutes right now, public transit takes twice as long as driving if not more, and we have access to parking. I was willing to make that time tradeoff before I had kids. Now I'm much less willing. The difference between getting home at 5:15 and getting home at 5:45 is more meaningful than I would've predicted.
No, like boardgaming and dancing and parties. All places you *could* get to by transit, but the hassle becomes a barrier.
Kiran Like Winthrop? I haven’t been since I got a car, either.
My biggest frustration during the six months you didn't own a car was that you didn't go places you would've driven to because the hassle (and cost?) of transit made it unappealing.
I'm happy to be back in a place where people own cars and can get around and do stuff.
Peter -- you don't have to get umbrella. Ask about a "non owner auto policy." GEICO and State Farm definitely offer them. Call the companies directly, not a middleman/parasite/agent.
I was told umbrella required a primary auto liability policy.
Andrew I called 2 insurance agents and the best quote I got was $100/month for $1M in coverage if I also moved my home owner’s policy to the same firm.
You can get non-owner insurance for $15-20 per month for $500k liability ... you generally have to call your insurance company since it's not offered online. There are also umbrella policies that cover all forms of liability.
I tried living without owning a car for six months. One of my biggest frustrations was liability insurance for when I rented. Zipcar just didn’t offer enough. Are you listed as a driver on your roommates’ policies? If not, double check the fine print.
Louise I just looked up a nine day rental with unlimited miles for a potential gig with Hertz, and it was $282. But I think a lot of this is happening to have a good discount? You do need to pick up and drop off at the same place.
Jeff Kaufman it was a couple weeks, so it was a good price for the time, quotes from hertz etc were over 1000!
Louise I've been renting from Hertz and Enterprise, though I get a discount through work? How many days was the $600?
I’ve been thinking about this as well, been meaning to try to do the maths and see whether owning or renting when needed is cheaper. Which companies do you tend to use to rent from? We had a hard time finding affordable rentals on the west coast with our last Corner House tour and ended up using Turo, but wondering if you have any secrets! 🙂 we ended up paying around 600 and drove 2000 miles or so, in a microvan (Mazda 5 I think it was).