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Against Lyman Stone On Animal Welfare

Demographer Lyman Stone writes:

via Thing of Things March 21, 2025

Effective Altruists Agree That It's Hard To Help People In The Developing World

sorry regular readers I'm writing this because I want to be able to link it on X

via Thing of Things March 19, 2025

Product in the age of AI

We’re seeing AI features pop up in every product we use. Slack, Google Drive, etc.

via Home March 18, 2025

On Concern About Technological Unemployment

listen to what people say

via Thing of Things March 17, 2025

How I've run major projects

focus • maintain a detailed plan for victory • run a fast OODA loop • overcommunicate • break off subprojects • have fun • bonus content: my project management starter kit

via March 16, 2025

On Polarization

weirdmaxxing as a dating strategy

via Thing of Things March 14, 2025

Effective Altruism: Taking Ideas Seriously

Disclaimer: For ease of writing, I say “effective altruism says this” or “effective altruists believe that.” In reality, effective altruism is a diverse movement, and many effective altruists believe different things.

via Thing of Things March 12, 2025

Some milk is better than others

tl;dr: I recommend West Life unsweetened soymilk over other milks.

via Home March 7, 2025

Frozen meals are actually great

I cook most of my meals and am pretty frugal. I do a lot of meal prep (cooking in bulk), so I don’t have to cook every day in order to have food. But sometimes I run out of my meal prep or just want something different, and don’t have energy to cook something fresh. In these cases I often go for frozen food which requires very little prep.

via Home March 7, 2025

Caller's Box Configurator

Many contra dance callers use The Caller’s Box, a phenomenal dance choreography database from Chris Page and Michael Dyck. For those of us who primarily call gender free dances, though, using it requires mental translation from gendered role terms to gender neutral ones. I’ve created a browser plugin, Caller’s Box Configurator, to fix this. Caller’s Box Configurator (Firefox) Caller’s Box Configurator (Chrome) The plugin replaces “Men”/“Women” with either “Larks”/“Robins” or “Leads”/“Follo…

via Harris Lapiroff March 5, 2025

Breakfast Over February Break

Over February break I made breakfast for me and Nora three days in a row. Normally, my dad makes me, Nora, and Lily breakfast, but my dad and Lily were on a trip and my mom wasn't up yet so I was basically the only one in the house who was awake and could make Nora breakfast. Every morning, I would go downstairs at about 7am and I would wait for Nora for about 15 minutes until she came downstairs, if she wasn't already downstairs. Then I would make us breakfast. The first day I made guacamole…

via Anna Wise's Blog Posts March 1, 2025

Bluesky friends, consider bridging to the Fediverse!

TL;DR: Bridging your Bluesky account will allow me and others who use the Fediverse (including Mastodon) to interact with you on Bluesky. If you don’t need to read a whole thing to persuade you, you can bridge your account right now by following on Bluesky. Otherwise, read on. As I and others have been exploring our social media horizons beyond the legacy options of Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram, etc., I’ve made no secret of my skepticism about Bluesky. But I’ve also been lurking the…

via Harris Lapiroff February 7, 2025

2024-25 New Year review

This is an annual post reviewing the last year and setting intentions for next year. I look over different life areas (work, health, parenting, effectiveness, travel, etc) and analyze my life tracking data. Overall this was a pretty good year. Highlights include adjusting to life with two kids, moving out of the group house, lots […]

via Victoria Krakovna January 15, 2025

When each proud fighter brags

Remembering Max Chiswick, may his memory be a blessing.

via Icosian Reflections January 12, 2025

Dance Calling By The Numbers, 2024

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via Harris Lapiroff January 6, 2025

Solstice 2024 Retrospective


via Home January 1, 2025

Donations 2022-2024

Where I'm donating in 2024, where I donated in 2022/2023, why, and how my approach changed from previous years.

via Icosian Reflections December 14, 2024

How to eat vegan on Icon of the Seas

Royal Caribbean has a new giant cruise ship, Icon of the Seas, which has a large selection of food options.

via Home November 21, 2024

Starting With Chords

A lot of people play fiddle. Basically nobody starts by learning chords before learning melodies. But that's actually how I learned. I started with chords. One of the nice things about learning to play violin this way is that you can go busking even when you've only had just a few lessons. When I go busking I like to go to Davis Square where there are lots of people who are excited to listen to music. Part of busking is that when people think you're good at playing, sometimes they&#…

via Anna Wise's Blog Posts November 15, 2024


I have some stuffies and I just have a bunny. Bunny is a rabbit. Woof is a seal. My favorite stuffie is bun bun. I play with my stuffies. Sometimes I jump up with them and I roll them. I can just throw them in the air when I want to play bthululubp with them. I like to quick get my stuffies and throw them in the air. Selina watches me. When Selina has a different job Justina will watch me. It's the same.

via Nora Wise's Blog Posts November 15, 2024

Steve Ballmer was an underrated CEO

There's a common narrative that Microsoft was moribund under Steve Ballmer and then later saved by the miraculous leadership of Satya Nadella. This is the dominant narrative in every online discussion about the topic I've seen and it's a commonly expressed belief "in real life" as well. While I don't have anything negative to say about Nadella's leadership in this post, this narrative underrates Ballmer's role in Microsoft's success. Not only did Microsoft…

via Posts on October 28, 2024

Don't Help Kids With Contra Dancing If They Don't Need Help

If you're a kid like me, most kids have probably never heard of contra dancing before. You're probably wondering: contra dance -- what's that? Contra dancing is in some ways similar to square dancing. It's a group dance with a caller and a live band. When you think of dancing you probably think of rock and roll or pop or something, but no. It's folk music. If you are interested in learning more about that, whether you're a grown up or a kid, you can try out contra danci…

via Lily Wise's Blog Posts September 9, 2024

How good can you be at Codenames without knowing any words?

About eight years ago, I was playing a game of Codenames where the game state was such that our team would almost certainly lose if we didn't correctly guess all of our remaining words on our turn. From the given clue, we were unable to do this. Although the game is meant to be a word guessing game based on word clues, a teammate suggested that, based on the physical layout of the words that had been selected, most of the possibilities we were considering would result in patterns that were …

via Posts on August 11, 2024

Categories of leadership on technical teams

overall direction • people management • project management • technical leadership • example divisions of labor

via July 21, 2024

Trust as a bottleneck to growing teams quickly

non-trust is reasonable • trust lets collaboration scale • symptoms of trust deficit • how to proactively build trust

via July 13, 2024

A discussion of discussions on AI bias

There've been regular viral stories about ML/AI bias with LLMs and generative AI for the past couple years. One thing I find interesting about discussions of bias is how different the reaction is in the LLM and generative AI case when compared to "classical" bugs in cases where there's a clear bug. In particular, if you look at forums or other discussions with lay people, people frequently deny that a model which produces output that's sort of the opposite of what the user a…

via Posts on June 16, 2024

Drug development costs can range over two orders of magnitude

A clinical trial is a statistical problem multiplied by a logistical problem; some drugs are dramatically easier to study than others.

via Icosian Reflections June 8, 2024

Poker is a bad game for teaching epistemics. Figgie is a better one.

Six things that make poker suboptimal for teaching about decision making under uncertainty, especially relative to Jane Street's card game Figgie.

via Icosian Reflections May 28, 2024

What the FTC got wrong in the Google antitrust investigation

From 2011-2012, the FTC investigated the possibility of pursuing antitrust action against Google. The FTC decided to close the investigation and not much was publicly known about what happened until Politico released 312 pages of internal FTC memos that from the investigation a decade later. As someone who works in tech, on reading the memos, the most striking thing is how one side, the side that argued to close the investigation, repeatedly displays a lack of basic understanding of tech indust…

via Posts on May 26, 2024

Moving on from community living

After 7 years at Deep End (and 4 more years in other group houses before that), Janos and I have moved out to live near a school we like and some lovely parks. The life change is bittersweet – we will miss living with our friends, but also look forward to a logistically simpler life […]

via Victoria Krakovna April 17, 2024

How web bloat impacts users with slow devices

In 2017, we looked at how web bloat affects users with slow connections. Even in the U.S., many users didn't have broadband speeds, making much of the web difficult to use. It's still the case that many users don't have broadband speeds, both inside and outside of the U.S. and that much of the modern web isn't usable for people with slow internet, but the exponential increase in bandwidth (Nielsen suggests this is 50% per year for high-end connections) has outpaced web bloat for…

via Posts on March 16, 2024

Why We Shouldn't Have Daylight Savings Time

I'm lying in bed, pleasantly sleeping when it's supposed to be 6am. Then my alarm goes off. Later, at school, I am very tired. Why do you think this is? This is all the fault of daylight savings time. Daylight savings time is a thing the government does so that in the summer we have daylight in the evenings but in the winter it's light out when kids are walking to school. They think it probably wouldn't be fun to walk to school in the dark. For the record, I think it would be ve…

via Lily Wise's Blog Posts March 13, 2024

When Nurses Lie to You

When the nurse comes to give you the flu shot, they say it won't hurt at all, right? And you trust them. Then they give you the shot, and it hurts! They lied to you. A lot of nurses lie to children about shots and blood draws. Part of it is they probably don't remember what it's like to be a kid about to get a shot. But also they kind of have to do whatever they can to convince the children to let them give them the shot. When they lie to kids, the next time that happens the kids won'…

via Lily Wise's Blog Posts February 28, 2024

How I build and run behavioral interviews

budget 2+ hours to build • think ahead about follow-ups and rubric • focus on a small number of skills • dig into details • make yourself a rubric

via February 25, 2024

Good job opportunities for helping with the most important century

I wrote ~2 years ago that it was hard to find concrete ways to help the most important century go well. That’s changing.

via Cold Takes January 18, 2024

2023-24 New Year review

This is an annual post reviewing the last year and setting intentions for next year. I look over different life areas (work, health, parenting, effectiveness, travel, etc) and draw conclusions from my life tracking data. Overall, this year went pretty well (and definitely better than the previous two). Highlights include a second kid, hiking in […]

via Victoria Krakovna January 3, 2024

Retrospective on my posts on AI threat models

Last year, a major focus of my research was developing a better understanding of threat models for AI risk. This post is looking back at some posts on threat models I (co)wrote in 2022 (based on my reviews of these posts for the LessWrong 2022 review). I ran a survey on DeepMind alignment team opinions […]

via Victoria Krakovna December 20, 2023

My first brush with covid

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via Harris Lapiroff December 6, 2023

11ty and Observable

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via Harris Lapiroff November 11, 2023

A Big Problem With The Going To Bed Book

One day my dad was reading this book called the "Going to Bed Book" to my sister Nora. The book is basically about a bunch of animals who are getting ready for bed on a boat. They go down the stairs, take a bath, hang their towels on the wall, find their pajamas, brush their teeth, go up and exercise, then go down again and fall asleep. But I noticed there was a big problem: my whole life everyone has been telling me "don't exercise before bed". The reason you shouldn't exer…

via Lily Wise's Blog Posts September 18, 2023

When discussing AI risks, talk about capabilities, not intelligence

Public discussions about catastrophic risks from general AI systems are often derailed by using the word “intelligence”. People often have different definitions of intelligence, or associate it with concepts like consciousness that are not relevant to AI risks, or dismiss the risks because intelligence is not well-defined. I would advocate for using the term “capabilities” […]

via Victoria Krakovna August 9, 2023


I first started playing fiddle when I was five, just around my birthday. I had really wanted a fiddle because I wanted to learn how to play it and my parents got me one for my birthday so I started taking lessons. Though after a couple of lessons I started to find it more and more boring and at the time I wasn't really prepared for my fingers to hurt when I did it, so I didn't really like it that much and also overall I think that probably starting from that age wasn't the best idea. …

via Lily Wise's Blog Posts July 13, 2023

Asimov on building robots without the First Law

“Why can’t a robot be built without the First Law? What’s so sacred about it?” Dr. Gerrigel looked startled, then tittered, “Oh, Mr. Baley.”...

via Icosian Reflections May 9, 2023

Some mistakes I made as a new manager

the trough of zero dopamine • managing the wrong amount • procrastinating on hard questions • indefinitely deferring maintenance • angsting instead of asking

via April 23, 2023

What does Bing Chat tell us about AI risk?

Early signs of catastrophic risk? Yes and no.

via Cold Takes February 28, 2023

How major governments can help with the most important century

Governments could be crucial in the long run, but it's probably best to proceed with caution.

via Cold Takes February 24, 2023

What AI companies can do today to help with the most important century

Major AI companies can increase or reduce global catastrophic risks.

via Cold Takes February 20, 2023

Jobs that can help with the most important century

People are far better at their jobs than at anything else. Here are the best ways to help the most important century go well.

via Cold Takes February 10, 2023

My Rainbow Kit

For Christmas I got a really fun kit about rainbows. It had a rainbow catcher, a really cool necklace, a streamer thingy, and it also had a really really cool pinwheel, and it also had a bracelet and a pinata. Unfortunately the pinata didn't work out that well. I didn't make the bracelet yet. The pinata just didn't fall apart when we hit it. We had to take it apart with our hands to get it open. It even had a really really fun part. Actually, it wasn't really that fun. It did m…

via Anna Wise's Blog Posts January 5, 2023

Corncob Dolls

I went to a farm and at the farm I got to see a corncrib and the corn that had fell out of the corncrib that no one wanted I got to use my fingers to take off the corn kernels and once the cobs were empty I put them in a bag and then once I got back to the house I was staying in I ate dinner and I got to work with a few pencils some tape and some paper and some markers and I used some of the markers to make the eyes and mouth but I didn't want to add a nose so what I did was I made little pink s…

via Anna Wise's Blog Posts November 7, 2022

On the Beach

I really like going in the water and this beach is a great place for building sand castles and boogie boarding. I also like trying to float on top of big waves. I'm not very good at it. I only float on the flat waves.

via Anna Wise's Blog Posts July 12, 2022

via openring