Old Furniture

September 1st, 2014
We're in the process of childproofing our house, trying to get a head start before Lily can crawl, and there are so many things to get into. We have some things on open shelves that are just begging to be pulled off and dumped all over the floor, so I wanted to replace them with a dresser or cabinet. Julia pointed out today was september first, so there might be ones in the trash. Driving around Somerville looking for options it was depressing seeing so many piles of laminated pressboard that used to be bookcases, dressers, and cabinets. On balance cheap furniture is probably very beneficial, and if people are going to throw out their stuff when they move I guess there's not much point in making things that are built to last, but still it makes me sad.

We did find a dresser, though, and while no one would consider it an antique it's reparable. Some of the dovetail joints had come unglued, and the drawer bottoms needed new nails so they wouldn't slide out the back, but all this is doable:

Some candle wax to lubricate the moving surfaces, a few drawer pulls replaced, and we have a dresser!

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