Kickstarter Creator Spam |
September 23rd, 2016 |
kickstarter |
Since I haven't gotten any legitimate messages, and these all look pretty aggressively commercial, what keeps Kickstarter from blocking them?
(On the other hand, since creators are notorious for using Kickstarter to spam their friends about supporting their projects, maybe this is just a thoughtful way to restore balance in the world?)
Here are snippets from the messages:
if you need any marketing support for your Kickstarter (US, EU & Asia), press coverage or interested to get your campaign in front of return Kickstarter backers, make sure to check our website ...
Do you know that with a little effort, you can get your kickstarter seen by a minimum of 200,000 people every day? Yes, every day. This is simple, your project will be shared 100 times a day to relevant groups, and each of these groups will have a minimum of 1000 active members, this means you will get over a million exposure in one week ...
I was viewing projects in this section category and came across yours. I just wanted to share some advertising strategies that could help your campaign gain exposure & visibility ...
I was looking at campaigns in the Children's Books category and found yours. Just wanted to share a few marketing strategies that will help your project increase exposure and traffic ...
This is not an automated message. I just wanted to let you know that if you want we would love to distribute your press release to 500+ Media outlets across the globe. To be successful, you need more pledges. I believe that we can surely help you out ...
I'm just getting in touch with you today to congratulate you on launching your Kickstarter campaign. If you have a few minutes, you can submit a press release or article about your campaign to help with getting the word out about your project, publically outreaching to journalists/bloggers for exposure, and updating even a wider range of people about your progress. ...
Social media promotion is one of the greatest keys to a successful Kickstarter campaign. We offer the best value for promotion available anywhere, starting at only $65. We will share your project to 1,000 or more Facebook groups. Each group has anywhere from 2,000 to 80,000 members. In other words, we can get your project in front of 2,000,000 people! All of our posting is done manually, without software or bots, and is guaranteed to be 100% safe. ...
I am a university student concentrating on social media promotion. I assist people with social media marketing and advertising as a means to help pay my expenses. I can tweet your project to more than 1 million people with GUARANTEED engagement for only Fifteen dollars. Have you done a press release for your project? I will write & circulate a news release regarding your project beginning at just $49. I have also got a cheap Facebook promotion. You can promote your project to three million super active users on Facebook, creating likes, shares and increasing your Kickstarter rankings for as little as one dollar a day. You can actually package all 3 promotions together for only $67...
Kickstarter campaign support
Can We help you with your crowdfunding campaign? We can share your campaign on all major social networks...
Your Kickstarter Campaign
Congrats on launching your crowdfunding campaign, I've just tweeted it to my 54K followers! Do you need more supporters on Twitter? ...
Funding Successful
My name is Mark and I head up business development efforts with Funding Successful. We came across Mike Mulligan and his Obsolete Shovel and are interested in working with you to make your project successful. ...
Mike Mulligan and his Obsolete Shovel
I wanted to reach out regarding your kickstarter and offer you to join our "Fundraising Guaranteed" program where we guarantee to raise funds for you or get a full refund (see coupon below)...
Mike Mulligan and his Obsolete Shovel
Why Are You on Kickstarter? To Hit Your Goal or Go Over?
I saw that we have just enough time on your Kickstarter project for our team to do their social media plan. I'm confident that we can really maximize your ROI if you decide to work with us (which is why we're willing to do it with our money back guarantee too!).
Crowdfunding Masterclass - Live Webinar
In this bi-weekly casual live webinar, we cover all aspects of running a successful rewards or equity crowdfunding campaign. Each webinar features different top crowdfunding professionals, who have collectively raised hundreds of millions of dollars. Normally, it costs an arm and a leg to get this kind of professional advise but in our masterclass you can get [actual end of message]
Start Getting More PR for Your Kickstarter Project Today
I just scrolled by your project on Kickstarter again this morning. I've been keeping an eye on it for awhile because I think it's a perfect match for our PR strategies. You may have heard of our firm ...
Comment via: google plus, facebook
If you want to feel dirty sometime, create an account on Amazon Mechanical Turk and look at how many people will pay you to straight-up lie and fabricate product reviews for products you've never seen, describing specific beneficial attributes, etc.
The going rate is way lower than I suspected.
I also at first thought it was a joke lol
You were like "and this is the kickstarter video" but I thought you were kidding!
Wait you're actually doing a kickstarter????
I'll break into Jeff, Julia, and Michael's accounts and give you 3 likes for a total of ¢7.
I don't like it. Where's my money?
I'll like your comment for a buck
I continue to be surprised by the offers to have hired stooges promote things on social media. I shouldn't be, and maybe it's no different than paying people for any other kind of advertising, but it seems different, perhaps because it's not marked as advertising.
I'm old enough that "spam" to me means "unsolicited commercial e-mail". Messages via Kickstarter are close enough. :^)
Many products over-advertise themselves; that doesn't make them spam :). If you think they are completely fake then the word you're looking for is "scam".
The way I think about spam is that it's untargeted mass mailing where (a) your message isn't targeted well to the audience (i.e., very few people in the audience are interested), or (b) the products you are pushing are so widely known about that people are probably aware of them already (e.g. Viagra and Cialis, though maybe not when they first came out!).
In contrast, this messages seems highly targeted (the set of people raising Kickstarters at a given time is pretty small, and a large fraction of them are interested in methods to improve the yield of their Kickstarters). Also, products to help improve your Kickstarter aren't widely known.
Reaching out proactively to potential customers who you believe might benefit from your product is a pretty big way that most B2B and many B2C companies acquire customers.
I'm sure some people get e-mail about viagra knockoffs and say "oh! that's right, I meant to see my doctor about my erectile dysfunction, I should make an appointment, or perhaps just reply to this friendly e-mail", but the e-mail is still spam.
Reading them they all seem pretty shady. How likely do you think it is that if I took one of them to on their offer I'd bring in more money than I paid them? I strongly suspect not.
Why do you consider these spam? Others who start Kickstarter may see these as valuable emails informing them of possible ways to fundrause better.