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I lead the Near-Term First effort at the Nucleic Acid Observatory. I used to work on web optimization and ads, and am still interested in web browsers and APIs.
I taught myself piano, mandolin, bass, foot drums, whistle, brass, and other things. I play for contra dances with Kingfisher and the Free Raisins, and enjoy figuring out how to play many things simultaneously.
effective altruism
How can I can most effectively turn my time and money into making the world better? Julia and I have been into effective altruism since ~2009. In 2022 I switched from earning to give to trying to identify future pandemics earlier.
Julia and I have three kids, Lily (10y), Anna (8y), and Nora (3y). I want to show them how to do things, do for them what they can't do yet, and help them grow into the people they want to be.
I help organize our local dance, started our dance weekend, play for dances with my two bands, lead open bands, maintain listings of local dances and weekends/camps/etc, and used to call.

All 2,431 posts going back to 2004