Reading the book that makes grownups say silly things
Sleeping on the plane on the way to CA for a wedding
Lily is keeping a journal
There was a big hill in the distance and Lily was determined that we climb it
View from near the top
Julia and Nora stayed back, under a tree. Here's Anna running back to them.
Dancing at the reception
Lily loved the dancing, and stayed up very late
Nora is cute even in her padded sleep suit
We stopped by Claudia and Abe's on the way home, and were very excited to see the trampoline
Lily plays chess with Karen
Anna and Abe play 5x5 Go on an improvised board
One time (not pictured) Anna was holding Nora in this suit on the schoolyard and her teacher thought she was holding a teddy bear. And was then very surprised when she realized it was alive!
Nora falls asleep on my lap while I practice drums and piano
The octave fiddle can be sort of a cello
A warm day in Ricci's backyard
Nora loves to be read to
Playing school in what will be Weiwei's office
I went in to turn off Anna's story tape and found her sleeping almost entirely off her bed.
Nora travels well, except for the sleeping part
Julia and Nora went ahead to the UK, and I followed with the older kids a bit later so they could have more days of school
Big kids are very happy to see Nora after we get to London
Exploring London; Lily's still keeping her journal
We see the Gherkin from the distance and want to see it up close. Lily briefly loses her shoe inside it.
Anna sees a castle on the map and decides we should go there next
Remains of Roman wall
Grass and dandilions are more interesting than castle
Butterfly wings as Easter present from Mama
Easter egg hunt in the park outside Julia's conference
This swing looks a lot flatter than it actually is
Playing with Amy and Nathan's family
And Denise and Alex's
Anna is a bear in a cave
Anna volunteers to have Nora nap on her for the bus to Oxford. She's very proud that she got Nora to sleep.
Seeing Rose for the first time in three years
Game where you spray water up into the air
Lily found a feather she wanted to write with. Bought some ink at a stationery shop.
Looking down at punting
Toby made the kids a scavenger hunt
Being statues
Playing at stealing from the sleeping dragon
Trying ginger beer at a pub
Reading to Tarn
Magic sand
Anna still loves pulling things into little bits and making piles. She can focus for a very long time.
Anna doesn't like Cornish Pasties
Visiting Trajan House for an arts and crafts social
Nora is often the center of attention
Philly relatives up for a visit
Nora loves having her belly tickled with heads
Trying to use right-angle glasses
Anna learns to ride a bike
Getting closer to walking!
Anna built a throne for Nora. It isn't very sturdy.
First BIDA open band since restarting
Much easier on my back when Anna helps Nora walk
Nora loves the swing
Eating all the berries at an EA dinner
One of their friends has a yard with grass
Marlboro! Strawberry!
"I was sharing my coat with Olivia because she was cold"
Nora is very interested in the accordion.
Felix loves Nora, but isn't very careful yet.
Walking from VT to NH across the CT
Show dances in downtown Brattleboro
Muddy River Morris
Putting away the Maypole at the end of the weekend
I woke up early with a noisy baby and the countertops were very cool, so it seemed like a good time to make pastry
Lily puts on a puppet show for her cousins
Nora got knee bouncing rhymes, and then everyone wanted them
"The Sparkle Girls"
Kites at Trum Field
First family dinner after cousins move to Brattleboro. Anna sits at the former kids' table alone in protest.
Canobie lake. The "Flower Power" ride is very well designed and almost always no line. There's tons of anticipation as you approach the corners, the transitions are ~instantaneous and the thrill is just the right length.
Kingfisher played a Spark in the Dark and the kids came to dance
The kids drew on each other with highlighters to get ready
Video calling the cousins from the park
Helping Ruthie get her new house ready
Fresh paint rollers are super cuddly
Anna blatantly cheating
I stopped by the new Brattleboro house after rehearsing with Amy and Audrey in VT
Self-administering airplane peas
The older kids have started taking fiddle lessons with Cecilia
Swat friends over
Lauren and Diego's wedding
The kids got bored waiting for dinner and wanted to go climb a mountain
Nora is fun to dance with
Another try at climbing the mountain, in warmer weather and better clothes