Contra Dance
Contra Good Tummas
By Jeff Kaufman (4/17)
- (4) March single file left (CW) one place, then sharply
turn right.
- (4) Repeat
- (4) March into the middle
- (3) Turn L back out
- (1) Clap
- (16) Repeat, marching right (CCW). Ends at home.
- (4) Ravens forward into wavy line in the middle
- (4) Ravens balance the wave
- (4) Ravens spin left as in Rory O'Moore
- (4) Ravens balance again
- (4) Ravens allemande left to partner,
Larks step left to meet them
- (12) partner (balance and?) swing
The A part is from Softly Good Tummas, an English Country Dance
reconstructed by Andrew Shaw. This dance is intended to be a good
fit for the tune, which is in Barnes II.
(I wrote this at Springforth in Richmond, when Gaye Fifer jokingly
requested we play Softly Good Tummas for a contra set.)
As of 2017-04-09, this hasn't been tried at a dance or with test
dancers, so I don't know for sure if it works.
First-draft B part:
- (4) Balance neighbor across
- (4) Pull by across, turn left, walk one place, turn left
to face in (progression)
- (4) Balance neighbor across
- (4) Square through
- (16) Partner balance and swing
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