- 9/21/2006 -- Trip to IHOP
-- Swarthmore : After Class
The first dance I called. Went very well, even though I
didn't do a very good job of calling it (mostly I was
late in calling things). We had some contra dances after
(english) folkdance class and most of the inexperienced
people were gone by the time it was my turn to call.
- 9/28/2006 -- Fat Bear's
Reel -- Swarthmore : Class
This time I called during class, so many more new
people. This dance was supposed to teach them the hey,
but it was a bit to complicated. I also origonally had
it with ladies starting one of the heys, which rushed the
gypsy, confused the new dancers, and was a bad idea.
- 10/12/2006 -- Patriot's
Jig -- Swarthmore : Class
Patriot's Jig has an eight count swing in the first half
of the A1. This used to be fine, but dancers now do not
expect swings to end until the end of the phrase. So I
got confused and didn't tell them to stop swinging in
time, the dancers got confused, people swang until the
end of the A1 and the whole dance was off. After this I
got advice to practice calling to recorded music, which
I've done since and has helped a lot.
- 10/15/2006 -- Good Morning
Mr. Sanders -- Medford house
After a contra there were a bunch of people at our house
and we thought it would be fun to do a contra. I tried
this one, but people were really too tired to dance and
we only had two hands four. So it didn't last very long.
- 11/2/2006 -- The Nice
Combination -- Swarthmore : Class
Calling back in class after I had messed everyone up the
last time I was very cautious. So I looked a bit for a
really easy dance, with lots of time to catch up, and
called this one. It went well, though english dancers
are used to going down the hall for only four and coming
back instead of the eight standard in contra. It's
really hard to call in such a way that people do
something later. It ended up giving people more time to
swing and they slowly figured out how far to go and how
much time they had.
- 11/15/2006 -- Box the Gnat
Contra -- Swarthmore : ML
Before calling in class I decided to practice with some
helpful friends, so we got three couples and danced for a
- 12/14/2006 -- Box the Gnat
Contra -- Swarthmore : Class
Called this in class; it went well. Some of this was
people knowing more and more contra.
- 1/16/2007 -- Good Morning
Mr. Sanders -- Winchester : MLK dance
David Casserly organized a dance on MLK day for which I
mostly played. I called one dance, though, and it worked.
All the new people had left by the time I called, though,
so I only had to call the first two times through.
- 3/2/2007 -- Good Morning
Mr. Sanders -- Swarthmore : Student Contra
We had a dance in Upper Tarble, mostly organized by Bronwyn
though with me dealing with music. Bronwyn did most of the
calling but I called one dance during the main time, second
after the break. It mostly went well, except that the line
got amazingly s-shaped. Upper tarble is really long and
people like to dance all in the same set when possible, and
people seem to be worse at keeping the line straight (when
there are no other lines) in proportion to the square of
the length of the line.
- 3/2/2007 -- Trip to IHOP
-- Swarthmore : After the Student Contra
People wanted to keep dancing after the student contra, and
even after we gave them a second waltz, a polka, and
another waltz, they wanted more. We danced two more
contras then, the first a repeat of a dance we did earlier
in the night, walked through but with no calling. For the
second one I walked people through trip to ihop, called the
first round, then joined on the bottom, still calling.
Calling while dancing worked a lot better than I thought it
would, and was easier than normal calling.
- 3/22/2007 -- Mary Cay's Reel
-- Swarthmore : Folkdance Class
Called this in class, only needed to call three or four
times through. The new dancers are getting a lot better.
And it helped that the dance is easy and I called it
properly. Went well enough that I got to dance once people
knew the dance.
It's weird doing dances for class: it's so restricted.
There's only one contra for the night so it needs to have
good neighbor and partner interaction, generally both a
neighbor swing and a partner swing. This eliminates a lot
of otherwise fun dances that would be fine in a varied
contra program.
- 4/3/2007 -- Smooth Like Buttah
-- Swarthmore : Folkdance Class
This dance didn't go too well. The dance ended with a B2 of:
- (8) Circle left, slide left
- (8) Circle left with new neighbors
Which just took more than 16 counts. So people were late at the
beginning of the dance, and everyone was sad. We didn't get off
the music, but people had to rush the circles to the point where
they were just silly.
5/20/2007: Looking back I think I see what I figured wrong.
The dance should be circle left half way, slide left, circle left
half way. It's not that much dancing for the music, but circle
left all the way, slide left, circle left all the way is definitely
too much.
- 5/1/2007 -- Chorus Jig -- Swarthmore : Folkdance Class
We had been doing maypole dances around our spiffy new may pole
(thanks facilities!) but when enough people wanted to leave that
some ribbons would be free we switched to a scottish set and then
a contra. We were outside on grass so I figured Chorus Jig would
work well and it did. I danced while calling, which worked fine,
though having both the ones and the twos walk contra corners
probably would have been better. Or making sure all the new people
were ones.
- 5/3/2007 --
Newly Friendly Theives -- Swarthmore : Folkdance Class
Dance went fine, though I should get both the ones and the twos
to try the 'A round two, B cut through' bit if I call for
newish people again.
- 6/12/2007 -- Mary Cay's
Reel -- MIT
I was playing for the dance (open band with Victor Troll
and friends) and ended up calling one of the dances. Mary
Cay's went well, and even though there were many beginners
I didn't need to call it all the way through (as most of the
other callers were doing). I've been working on not calling.
Well, how to stop calling during the dance without messing
people up. When I started I would call until everyone seemed
happy and then stop, which either resulted in people messing up
as soon as I stopped or having learned the dance and been
dancing with unneeded calls. Over the past few times calling
I've made an effort to, after I've called it fully a time or
two, only make the calls people seem to need. In Mary
Cay's, for example, the B part goes:
- (8)Long Lines
- (4)Ladies aleman right
- (4)Ladies aleman next lady left, gents step right
- (16)Partner balance and swing
During the walkthrough I said all of that, with some
additional explicatory exposition on the alemans and who
to turn with. During the first couple of times through it
was 'long lines', 'ladies aleman right', 'and left',
'partner balance and swing'. Then as people got the
sequence 'long lines' and 'ladies aleman right' was
enough for people to get the rest. The bit I kept calling
longest was the circle at the top of the A, mostly because
the timing is a bit tight coming out of the circle and
some people kept going into long lines by accident. I
need to practice more, but now I've noticed I should be
noticing this.
- 7/10/2007 -- Poetry
In Motion -- MIT
Chris nicely gave me a slot to call, and I chose this
dance because it is relatively simple and the crowd
had a high ratio of beginners who were getting frustrated
with complex dances with diagonal sillyness. Chris thought
it had a bit more neighbor interaction than a dance needed,
but I think the give and take balances it partnerwise and
as long as you don't call several heavy neighbor dances in
a row it's not bad.
Minimizing calling didn't go as well as last time; people
messed up more when I dropped calls and weren't recovering
well, so I didn't get fully to not calling until maybe the
7th time through. By then it was just the ladies chain
call, though, so not too bad.
I did one thing I hate callers to do, though. I called a
double walkthrough and then had people go back to place.
If I'd just been a little more careful I could have had
people stop just in the right place to begin with the right
hand star, but they started the star a little and I caved
and sent everyone home. Which wasn't too bad (compare to
fourth and fifth walkthroughs for some of the other dances
other people called) but was avoidable.
Sleep now.
- 7/24/2007 -- Zero Sum
Game -- MIT
Tried ending the dance with a partner swing.
Began calling again for the B1, changed the B2 to long lines, partner
swing. I think I said something like "this time long lines forward
and back; partner swing". I think the words "this time" are key for
signalling you're going to change things up. I danced to one caller
once who put "this time" as filler in their calls. It was totally
confusing. The long lines figure also works well for a change
because you can really see what everyone else is doing. Seemed
to go well.
- 9/6/2007 -- Al's Safeway
Produce -- Swat Folkdance Class
This didn't go so well. It didn't fall apart, but people
were struggling a lot. I thought I had chosen a good
dance for the group, but even though Al's has only a few
figue types it has many figure tokens. That is, there are
only circle, star, aleman, long lines, and swing, but
there is something new every 8 counts. I think next time
I'll try a dance with fewer parts and more time for each.
Things like down the hall four in line.
- 10/4/2007 -- Swat Folkdance Class
The last few dances have gone pretty well. I did the Nice
Combination on 9/13 and it went great. Called two dances
with heys the next two weeks and introduced petronella
this evening. Now that people mostly know what they're
doing I need to be careful not to introduce things on too
basic a level. Last week or so I asked the ladies to
identify the person across from them, look one to the
left, extend their right hand, pull by... and people got
annoyed and shouted "you mean ladies chain?" and then I
used short calls for the rest of the walkthrough.
One thing I really liked about this evening is that I
managed to play some after the dance was started without
losing my place in the dance. I called, people got it, I
sat down and started playing piano, people forgot a bit, I
had the dance in my head and knew what to call to help
them. I also had the dance in front of me, so if I'd
needed to I could have looked, but having the dance
solidly in my head (without having to sit down and
memorize it) was both really convenient and really cool.
Because we'd thought Joanna was going to be out today
several students were to prepare, teach, and call dances.
Most of the students had done a little teaching and no
calling, and it was interesting to see people in different
'places' in learning to call. One student called "posties
jig" which is a fun scottish dance, but she had not called
before at all and did not understand the timing. The
dancers didn't know the timing either, so when the calls
were late and then stopped it all fell apart. This felt a
lot like my failed attempt at "Patriot's Jig" last year.
Another student called an english dance, maybe "Knives and
Forks". This went well, but she put the calls on the beat
the figure started on, not the beat before. This made
them still helpful if you forgot what was going on, but
you had to hurry to catch up once you knew what you were
doing. Another called an english dance, "Take a Dance"
that went well, calls on the beat, but he didn't stop
calling (and the dancers didn't need the whole time
called). Another taught and called Kerry Sets. These
also went well (and she'd done them before) but she put
all the calls as very rapid utterances into the last two
beats of the phrase. Which worked fine, but sounded a
little funny and gave you not quite enough time to get
into ballroom hold for quarter house if your partner and
you were not paying enough attention.
It's weird remembering making all of those mistakes at
various times. I think I mostly don't make them now, but
I'm not sure. I am sure, though, that there are things
that matter that I've not noticed yet. So I wonder what
year-from-now me would have to say about the dance I
- 10/6/2007 -- Swat Contra
Called my first whole dance. It was a lot of fun. The
most fun aspect was probably sound not causing any problems
at all. No feedback the entire night. Mmm. It's nice
that we mostly know how to run sound now.
The crowd was mixed and a little newer than I expected; I
had forgotten how many experienced dancers were on stage.
Silver Anniversary didn't look so good after a walkthrough
so I gave them Centrifugal Hey with the balance and swing
turned into a gypsy and swing.
- Called some dances for folkdance classes
- Forget which days. Marissa (now she's calling some!) and
I have been switching off calling. I've been switching
to piano after starting to call, which has hurt my
calling some but I think still makes the dance more fun
on balance. Maybe three weeks ago I was calling a dance,
people started to make mistakes, I forcefully called
"partner swing", and that was not what was supposed to
come next. So I had to stop playing piano, shout
"keep going" and get people back into order. But people
did fine and weren't too annoyed at me after the dance.
- 11/29/2007 -- Chorus Jig -- Swat Folkdance Class
- Called chorus jig. Went well. Tried the thing I've been
wanting to do for an uneven dance where I have the ones
walk it, then have people take hands four from the
top the walk it again with ones and twos swapped,
ending back in original places -- that worked. I made
the mistake I always complain about callers making on
CJ: I forgot to tell the twos to move up.
- 1/25/2008 -- Swat Contra
The contra last night was student callers and -- quite happily
-- not all called by me. I called half the program with
Marissa, Leland, and Laura calling the other half. Marissa's
been calling some in class but Leland and Laura (both
freshmen) had not called called before. Dispite some
inexperience, it all went really well. So I'm happy.
The program was something like this:
Leland and Laura practiced a few dances with me and Marissa on
Tuesday after folkdance class, and I think they probably also
practiced their dances some to music before Friday, but they'd
never called to dancers before. Now, some of this was because
we put them late in the program and they had relatively easy
dances, but their dances went perfectly. Well, they don't
quite have down the sense of when and how to stop calling,
both erring on the side of calling a little longer than they
needed to, but that takes a while to learn. It's also not
something that is essential, just nice. I hope to get them
calling more, in class and at dances, so there are people at
swat who can call next year. (Marissa is going to be abroad
for half of next year, so while it's great that she's getting
good at calling we need other people to learn too.)
I liked the program this time better than the last dance I
ran. This probably came from a combination of the dancers now
having been to more contras, Marissa looking over the program
with me, and choosing simpleish dances so the new callers
would not be beyond their abilities.
The band was Ross Hariss and Friends (Friends={Mat Clark,
Chris Jacoby, Paul Prescopini}) and they were excellent.
Especially helpful was that Ross understands dance
descriptions and could choose good tunes that fit well.
- 5/6/2009 -- Informal Contra in Davis Square
Beth Hanson organized a short contra in davis square. I was
originally going to be playing for it, but then she found
another musician and lost a caller. So I was calling for the
first time in a while. After convincing a guitar playing
busker to play with us and let us use the central area, we
tried to corall people into dancing. This was not terribly
successful. We got no one for the first dance, but after
watching one two people decided to try. We did five contras
and had five spectators join in at various points. Figuring
out how to get spectators to get up and try dancing is
something I need to do. I've only ever called in situations
where everyone was there to dance, so this is something I
need to figure out. We had a lot of fun, though, and it felt
quite successful as a small dance.
We did:
- 6/28/2009 -- Informal Contra in Davis Square II
Second outdoor contra in Davis square. This time I
organized it instead of Beth. Cedar Stainstreet played
fiddle again, this time with David Casserly on sax and
various people including Koren Wake and my sister Alice
playing my Stroh fiddle. Our
guy-comes-off-the-street-and-plays-with-us this time was
a flute instead of guitar player. I called most of the
dances, Daniel Friedman called one. (Which was wonderful
of him, as he originally didn't want to but then
volunteered to when my voice started getting ragged.)
Attendance was higher this time, perhaps by a factor of
two. We had enough people that we could start almost at
3pm when we were supposed to. For a few dances in the
middle we had two sets (with the musicians in the
center). They were pretty short sets, though. We did
two sets mosre because of difficulty hearing the music
and caller than too many people for the space or the
line length.
Rain was a big worry for me all last week. It ended up
not raining, with this really only sure around noon,so
that may have affected attendance negatively. I worried
enough about rain in the days leading up to the dance
that Julia told me I wasn't to talk about it any more.
I continued with running the dances shorter than usual,
with the exception of Newly
Friendly Thieves. That one is a unequal turn dance
with a "lady round two gent cutz through; gent around two
lady cuts through" chase figure. It's quite a fun
figure, and people were doing all sorts of fun
variations. I decided it would be more fun to run it
until the original ones were back at the top. This did
have the musicians looking at me in a "do you intend to
run this dance forever?" sort of way. Numbers were
falling off at this point and we had 4 hands-fours, so I
guess that was 15 times through, which felt longish but
not too long. I probably ran the others 11 or 13 times.
There were a few new people, which was great. They came
in couples, but the dancers split them up. I think this
probably makes sense, as the dancing goes better, but
maybe the enjoyment they get with having the dance go
well is less than they lose by not being with the person
they came with. The crowd overall was quite experienced,
more so than the last one, and I didn't do any figure
teaching. The new people just picked it up. Well, again
Newly Friendly Thieves
was an exception. For that I demoed the weird figure.
But not very well. I would have done better to have a
hands four demo it to my talking. Instead I tried to
pretend to be all four people in a hands four. Comical,
but not too useful. They got it, though.
We did:
- 11/21/2009 -- Dances at BIDA party
Beth Hansen hosted a BIDA party, in a wonderful space.
Apparently her housemates use their apartment to teach
dance classes, so they have a large open area downstairs
with a nice floor. Nice enough that one can't dance in
shoes, but that's ok. The party was primarily couples
dance focused, with Koren Wake running an intro lindy-hop
lesson and then open couples dancing (some swing, lots of
waltzes). At one point some people decided they wanted
to contra, I had dances in my pocket, we used some
recorded music (ugh, but the only instrument we had was a
guitar) and we danced. I ran all the dances no
walkthrough, as everyone had danced contra before (except
one person who picked it up really well). They all were
quite short (5-6 min) but with no teaching time lost they
weren't problematically short.
We did (couples dances before, we left right after):
- 1/17/2010 -- Medford House
We had a singing/dancing/jamming/board games party in
medford. Much fun. Lots of things aside from dancing,
but this is the dancing we did (just about nothing was
- 5/18/2010 -- MIT
I got to call two dances as part of a multi-caller
evening at mit. La banane enchante is a lot of fun, so
one thing I was focusing on was choosing dances that were
easy enough that the crowd would be doing them on their
own after two times through and I could drop out. Seemed
to work pretty well. This also got me thinking about how
much a caller should call
- 7/05/2010 -- Informal Contra in Davis Square III
This contra was kind of annoying to organize. I planned
two of them earlier this year, but had to cancel both due
to bad weather (too cold, then rain). Today was a little
hot (85ish) but davis square has water fountains and
people seemed to have fun. I did most of the calling,
with some help from daniel friedman. We had a lot of
people playing, which was great. Jon cannon did most of
the coordinating, with audrey knuth, allister hayden,
drew stevens, and bystanders also joining in. Good
number of dancers, amy counted 36 dancing at one point.
The contras we did were roughly:
- 7/11/2010 -- BIDA party at Victor Troll's House
We had a jamming/potluck party at victor's. It was much
fun. We mostly played music, but we did some dancing
too. I called three rounds of psuedokerry sets. They
were all in the form:
- chorus (house around)
- figure heads
- chorus
- figure sides
- chorus
except for the last one where it was 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s
instead of heads and sides.
- figure: short lines foreward and back (repeated)
- figure: ladies chain (over and back)
- figure: house around the inside, then swing at home
We did some waltzes to cool down, then we all did levi
jackson rag with daniel friedman calling. Amy did a
really good job on solo piano, especially given both how
tricky the tune is and that she'd never heard it before.
- 9/8/2010 -- Moved to main news section
I've decided to stop keeping these posts on calling
separate from other posts. They'll now be in the main
section under calling